Our Team
at Helpful Harmonies Music Therapy
Haleigh Beaird, MMT, MT-BC, Owner of HHMT (she/her)
Haleigh pasĆ³ los primeros 7 aƱos practicando musicoterapia en el Dallas Metroplex. Durante su tiempo allĆ, trabajĆ³ principalmente en educaciĆ³n especial y en un hospital para adolescentes con trastornos alimentarios. haleigh ha sidopublicadovarias veces debido a su trabajo con estas poblaciones y ha tenido la oportunidad Ćŗnica de trabajar conAlegrĆa Vance sobre la discusiĆ³n del impacto de la mĆŗsica actual y su capacidad para ser utilizada con jĆ³venes en el desarrollo de mecanismos de afrontamiento apropiados. TambiĆ©n durante su trabajo en Frisco ISD, el objetivo principal de Haleigh era hacer que los recursos para las familias y los maestros fueran accesibles para que cualquier estudiante al que se prestara servicios pudiera tener los apoyos que necesitaba en su propio entorno Ćŗnico. Su recurso fue tan ampliamente utilizado por el personal y las familias del distrito que finalmente el departamento de educaciĆ³n especial lo publicĆ³ y lo mostrĆ³ como la lista de recursos estĆ”ndar durante la pandemia de Covid-19.
Durante el tiempo que Haleigh estuvo en Frisco ISD, brindĆ³ servicios grupales a todos los tipos de clases de educaciĆ³n especial centralizadas, desde la escuela de la primera infancia hasta el programa para mayores de 18 aƱos. Durante tres aƱos, fue la Ćŗnica musicoterapeuta de Early Childhood School y facilitĆ³ servicios grupales a mĆ”s de 1000 estudiantes solo en este campus. TambiĆ©n trabajĆ³ con estudiantes que tenĆan musicoterapia en su Plan de EducaciĆ³n Individual (IEP) y diseĆ±Ć³ planes de sesiĆ³n creativos que abordaron las metas especĆficas del IEP del estudiante. Pudo realizar estas sesiones a travĆ©s de apoyo en persona, virtual y de consulta para garantizar la continuidad de los servicios. Haleigh tambiĆ©n tiene mucha experiencia en los procedimientos y leyes que rodeanReuniones anuales de revisiĆ³n y despido (ARD)y completar evaluaciones compatibles con IDEA mediante elManual de evaluaciĆ³n de musicoterapia para educaciĆ³n especial(SEMTAP).
En 2021, Haleigh tuvo su primer hijo (Magnolia) con su esposo de seis aƱos, Jonathan. DespuĆ©s de varios aƱos de luchar para quedar embarazada y tener a Magnolia prematuramente, Jonathan y Haleigh supieron una vez que naciĆ³ que era hora de acercarse a la familia. Haleigh se graduĆ³ de Friendswood High School y asistiĆ³ a los 12 aƱos de educaciĆ³n en el sistema de Friendswood ISD. SabĆa que no habĆa mejor lugar para criar a su hijo y comenzar una prĆ”ctica.
Ćtiles armonĆas se creĆ³ con la idea y la relaciĆ³n que tenĆa Haleigh con su hija Magnolia. Mientras estaba en el Ćŗtero, Haleigh le cantaba "You Are My Sunshine" a Magnolia todos los dĆas. Junto con el significado de esta canciĆ³n, y Magnolia siendo el bebĆ© arcoĆris de Haleigh, se creĆ³ el logotipo y la idea de las armonĆas Ćŗtiles. En el logo se puede ver un pentagrama con una lĆnea melĆ³dica. Esta lĆnea dice "Me haces feliz cuando el cielo estĆ” gris". La intenciĆ³n de esta frase musical de la canciĆ³n emparejada con el arcoĆris es mostrar a todos los clientes de Served Harmonies que hay esperanza en el proceso terapĆ©utico y que es un puente entre dĆ³nde estamos y hacia dĆ³nde vamos.
Para obtener mĆ”s informaciĆ³n sobre la experiencia profesional de Haleigh, haga clic enaquĆ o visite Haleigh'sPerfil de Linkedin.
highly experienced in the procedures and laws surrounding Annual Review and Dismissal meetings (ARD) and completing IDEA compliant evaluations by using the Special Education Music Therapy Assessment Handbook (SEMTAP).
Haleigh is a single mom to her beautiful rainbow baby, Magnolia. In 2021, after having Magnolia prematurely, Haleigh knew once she was born that it was time to move closer to family. Haleigh graduated from Friendswood High School and attended all 12 years of schooling in the Friendswood ISD system. She knew there was no better area to raise her child and start a practice.
Helpful Harmonies was created with the idea and relationship that Haleigh had with her daughter Magnolia. While in the womb, Haleigh sang “You Are My Sunshine” to Magnolia every day. Together with the significance of this song and Magnolia being Haleigh’s rainbow baby, the logo and the idea of Helpful Harmonies was created. In the logo, you can see a staff with a melody line. This line reads “You Make Me Happy When Skies Are Gray”. It is the intent of this musical phrase of the song paired with the rainbow to show all of Helpful Harmonies clients that there is hope in the therapeutic process and that it is a bridge between where we are and where we are going.
For more information on Haleigh’s professional experience, please click here or visit Haleigh’s Linkedin Profile.
Sophie Black, MT-BC (she/her)
Sophie Black is a Board Certified Music Therapist (#19171) who has worked with diverse clients in various settings, including schools, memory care units, hospice, and disability service organizations. She received her B.M. in Music Therapy with a minor in business from Sam Houston State University and completed her internship with the Harris County Department of Education. Raised by educators in Clear Lake, Sophie is passionate about giving back to her local community and schools. As a graduate of Clear Lake High School in Clear Creek ISD, she has a deep love for the unique culture, community, and diversity of South Houston.
Sophie is always looking to expand her knowledge of the field, focusing on neurodiversity and inclusivity. She adopts a client-centered humanistic approach, prioritizing the
development of each individual's sense of self and autonomy. Having provided both in-person and telehealth group and individual music therapy sessions, she has worked with a broad spectrum of age groups, from early childhood to older adults. She enjoys collaborating with other therapy services, such as Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech Therapy, to ensure comprehensive care for her clients. In addition to providing services in the private sector, Sophie enjoys working in the Special Education setting, evaluating and providing services to students receiving services under their Individual Education Plan (IEP).
Sophie's contributions to the field have been recognized through grants from the Music Therapy Access Fund and the Central Texas Music Therapy Association. She has presented music therapy topics at in-services, professional development workshops, and training sessions, engaging both fellow music therapists and other professionals. In addition to her music therapy work, Sophie is an accomplished violist and violinist, and has studied the instruments for over 20 years. She regularly performs in local orchestras, chamber ensembles, and church services throughout the greater-Houston area.
Partner in Business
Autumn Oak Speech, Voice, & Hearing
The experienced team at Autumn Oak Speech, Voice, and Hearing takes great pride in offering a comprehensive array of speech and hearing services to those living in and around Friendswood and Pearland, Texas. Whether you are ready to embark on the path toward better hearing or you could benefit from speech therapy, our highly trained staff is here to help.